Do you want to give HSE training with virtual reality?

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According to OSHA, Safety culture is an environment where the attitudes, behaviors and perceptions of all workers are reflected in the health and safety of the workplace.  To create such an environment, most sources agree on a series of foundational steps:  

  • Evaluate risks. 
  • Set goals.  
  • Include everyone.  
  • Determine responsibilities. 
  • Implement a training curriculum.  
  • Communicate and report.  
  • Exchange feedback.  
  • Continue improving.  

Now, different companies have different needs. However, the core steps of this list are always present in the conversation of a safety culture. Meaning, understanding the current safety scenario, setting goals based on reality, including everyone from the ground up, implementing a training curriculum and constantly improving based on data.  

To meet these criteria reliably, companies must use technology. And Ludus is the best HSE training tool in the market that has the potential to cover these needs satisfactorily.  

Using VR to accurately evaluate and predict risks  

Overall, the information that we have about safety at the workplace comes from evaluating past events. So, the industry of safety at the workplace is mostly reactionary, but virtual reality is changing this by giving companies the ability to detect risks before something happens.  

With VR, employees can do safety exercises like “Safety at heights” in a realistic environment without being in any danger. So, the trainers can let them make mistakes and learn from them.  

Under those circumstances, Ludus gathers data on every exercise the employees do on the platform. That way, leadership can know how likely an accident in the workplace is, where the worker is most propense to make a mistake, and how ready are they to manage the risk. 

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This gives organization leaders the ability to go from “prevention” to “prevention based on predictions”. Having a clear scenario of what’s happening also lets the company focus on goals that represent the best interests of its workforce.  

Ludus enhances awareness and makes everyone part of the safety culture  

Awareness is important to create a culture of safety in any company because it will directly affect the behavior and attitude of the workers.  

When people practice safety exercises with virtual reality, they can make mistakes without being in any real danger. However, facing the consequences of the errors firsthand is employees of companies that use Ludus realize the risks associated with their jobs.  

These workers are more invested in safety training and procedures, and notably, they actively support each other in ensuring adherence and are on the lookout for unsafe behaviors and other potential risks. The reason is people understand that failing to follow procedures endangers all the workers around, not just one person.  

Also, the platform has tools that empower leaders to include safety policies in their vision. This is paramount to create a safety workplace from the ground up.

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Virtual reality makes implementing a safe culture sustainable and scalable 

Human error is still one of the major causes of accidents in the workplace. In the manufacturing sector, it causes 70-90% of accidents. Promoting awareness combined with a solid training program is key to attacking this, which is the biggest cause of accidents all around the world. And Ludus tackles this in an intelligent and inexpensive way compared to traditional methods.  

Ludus doesn’t require internet access, and the setup just requires a power connection and some room. So, trainers are now empowered to deploy training anywhere and anytime. The platform will soon support more than 10 languages, which is key for multicultural companies.  

That is why companies that use Ludus are increasing the volume and variety of safety drills at a fraction of the cost. Also, these exercises have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional education.  

Moreover, the platform also tracks training progression, training costs, cost of accidents and environmental impact. It gathers all the necessary information to constantly increase the reach of the safety program.  

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Are you interested in the benefits of the Ludus Platform or do you want to implement it in your HSE trainings? Contact us in the following link.



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