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Formación HSE digital, efectiva y escalable

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Around 1,100 workplace accidents occur every day in Mexico, according to data from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). To prevent them, it is important for companies to be aware of the hazards present in their facilities. This can be achieved through safety diagnoses. This article discusses how to conduct these types of diagnoses.

What is a Workplace Safety and Health Diagnosis 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the safety and health of workers can be influenced by various factors depending on the workplace.

However, in general, a workplace safety and health diagnosis is a process through which an organization can identify and assess potential hazards in the workplace, as well as any risks to the safety and health of employees. This information can then be used to develop and implement a plan to mitigate those risks.

How a Safety Diagnosis is Conducted 

Safety diagnoses are carried out by examining the existing hazards in the workplace and assessing the risks they pose to employees. If it is determined that any of the risks are high, a safety diagnosis is conducted to find ways to mitigate those risks.

Some of the methods that can be used to conduct a workplace safety and health diagnosis are:

Safety Audits 

Audits are conducted by trained professionals who visit the work site and identify potential risks. They can also assess the level of compliance with existing safety measures.

Incident Investigations 

Incident investigations are carried out after an accident or near-miss incident has occurred. Their objective is to determine the cause of the incident and possible ways to prevent it from happening again.

Safety Observations 

These involve trained observers monitoring workers in their natural environment (i.e., not in a simulated test environment). This allows for the identification of potential hazards that may not be evident in other forms of evaluation.

What Does Ludus Do?

Finally, regarding the new tools already being used to enhance safety diagnoses, one, in particular, is making a difference: virtual reality (VR).

In fact, companies like Ludus currently offer VR simulations that are highly effective in improving safety diagnoses.

For example, the 'Plant Risk Detection' course is a simulation aimed at training the ability to detect risks in industrial environments.

This innovative VR training is ideal for optimizing the safety diagnosis process because it includes several scenarios simulating a plant walkthrough to evaluate and correct safety errors, both inherent and external risks.

Furthermore, this simulation is divided into two blocks designed to enhance risk detection, making it even more precise. The blocks are:

Equipment Placement 

During this stage, the learner must use appropriate protective equipment following the signage.

Plant Walkthrough 

Once equipped, the learner should follow a pedestrian path in the workplace. During this walkthrough, they should report any unsafe behaviors they observe.

In conclusion, conducting a safety diagnosis in industrial environments is currently a process that can be supported by technologies like virtual reality.

"People trained with VR have up to 275% more confidence in applying their knowledge, a 40% improvement over theoretical training, and a 35% improvement over e-learning-based training," as stated in PwC's report 'How virtual reality is redefining soft skills training.'

If you are interested in trying this or any of Ludus' training programs designed for occupational safety, please get in touch with us. Ludus simulations are used every day by companies in various industrial sectors to enhance the health and safety of their employees. Don't hesitate to contact us.


The occupational health and safety awareness test prevents sanctions for companies.
The occupational health and safety awareness test prevents sanctions for companies
Training in occupational health and safety (HSE) aims to raise awareness among employees to create safe environments and save lives. When