Big companies around the world are using Ludus to create safer work environments
With Ludus, you can digitize and standardize HSE training in a cost-effective way. And your employees will start caring about safety training.

Companies that are using Ludus to enhance their HSE training programs

Where does Ludus fit in your HSE training program?
Everything starts with a solid theoretical formation. Ludus is not meant to replace traditional training, but it can enhance it.
The tool evaluates the performance of the trainee during every step of the exercise and gives you an accurate assessment.
Ludus' guided system lets people train on their own. A great tool to ensure mastery in safety protocols, learn new procedures and collect valuable data.
Ludus' benefits
Ludus' realistic training not only helps people learn better and faster, it also makes them care about safety training
Important features:
Learn by Living:
Employees who train with virtual reality can make mistakes and experience the consequences without any risk.
This makes them understand the importance of safety protocols and training.
Realistic training:
Virtual reality and HSE training are a perfect match. With it, you can emulate situations that would be too dangerous, difficult or expensive in real life.
Update the training:
People connect 2 to 3 more times with virtual content, which is one of the reasons why they learn faster.
That also makes training entertaining and helps promote a safety culture throughout the organization.
Make sure all workers learn the same safety protocols. That way, they can help you create a safer environment (similar to herd inmmunity)
Important features
Proof of awareness:
Ludus uses the HSE international standard to evaluate trainees, and it gives you a result.
This is valuable because it helps companies make sure their employees fully understood the theory before doing any real-life training or work.
Increase your HSE training standards:
Most companies have workers in different locations and a number of trainers, both their own and contractors.
And Ludus plays a big role in helping them create an HSE training standard in the whole organization.
Keeping high levels of proficiency:
Ludus dramatically reduces HSE training costs, and our clients are escalating their HSE training programs because of it.
Not only can workers do more training on their own and really dominate safety procedures, but also learn skills like CPR, how to use a fire extinguisher, etc.
Ludus gives you real-time data you can use to proactively discover safety hazards and make safer working environments
Important features
Real-time analytics:
Ludus gathers data from both trainees and trainers in real time.
All the information in one place:
Ludus lets you sort the information in any way you need: by location, warehouse, team, etc.
Plus, we can integrate into any LSM so that you can have all your training data in one place.
Data-driven decisions:
With Ludus, decision makers can proactively identify safety hazards and act before anything happens.
That way, you can build a strong safety culture from the bottom to the very top of the organization.

Guided training:
Using the platform, an HSE technician can train groups of people at the same time in person.

Remote training:
Ludus allows making powerful remote training sessions. It enhances the kind of content an HSE trainer can use in a webinar format.

Employees can go over and over the exercises on their own with the help of the guided system.
"Ludus helps us improve the quality and effectiveness of our programs. We make workers go from being an spectator to the protagonist of the training session".
Iker Aranburu
Landuz Manager
"Using virtual reality, we can simulate high risk situations in a classroom, a safe space where students can interact freely and without being in any kind of danger".
Agustín Santos
Lead trainer for the Basque Country delegation – Europreven
"Preving has always followed the technologies that can shape society closely, that is why we decided to work with Ludus".
Antonio Luis Fariña
Training coordinator - Grupo Preving
"With the help of VR, you can establish a safety culture in the organization and make workers care about HSE training because it is realistic and immersive".
Susana Simón
Sales manager for the training division - G&M Prevención
"Trying HSE training with virtual reality has been a great experience. It has beat all the expectations I had".
Diana Pérez Cánoves
Quality and environment director - Intercon
"Our objective is to change the methodology and technology we apply to teaching and learning. That is why we are betting on Ludus in the HSE industry".
Luciano Cearsolo
Director - Centro San Viator de Sopuerta
"IMQ is moving forward towards digitization by incorporing virtual reality to CPR training. We are working with Ludus Global and Bizkaia Open Future from Telefonica to execute this initiative. It is already running on our IMQ Zorrotzaurre center".