Benefits of training in fire extinction with virtual reality

VR in fire extinction courses

One of the advantages of using virtual reality for fire extinguisher training is its ability to collect objective information. Nearly half of the employees trained in 2023 with Ludus' VR fire extinguisher simulation failed to attack the base of the fire.

In 2023, a total of 16,201 exercises were completed with the VR fire extinguisher simulation, involving 21,579 risk situations. In 10,563 of these situations, the worker did not correctly attack the base of the fire and performed zigzag movements. This represents 48.95% of the total, almost half of those trained.

The technology's ability to store objective exercise data allows for informed decision-making and anticipation of accidents. Knowing which errors are recurrent allows for strengthening aspects of training to prevent them from occurring in real life.

In addition to data collection for drawing conclusions, providing VR fire extinguisher training offers other benefits.

Advantages of Providing VR Fire Extinguisher Training

The virtual reality fire extinguishing simulation recreates realistic fire situations in different environments such as a warehouse, an office, a kitchen, etc. The worker faces the risk realistically without real danger and learns to use a fire extinguisher correctly.

The variety of risk situations that can be presented in VR fire extinguisher training is extensive. For example, the employee may face a fire with electrical risk, with a burning shelf next to a plugged-in appliance. If they choose the water extinguisher to put out the fire, they may suffer an electric shock.

The ability to train in choosing the appropriate extinguishing agent is another strength of virtual reality. Knowing which extinguisher to use based on the type of fire is crucial for extinguishing it safely. 

To add realism to these VR fire extinguisher training sessions, Ludus' platform can be used with an adapted fire extinguisher. This real, emptied device includes supports to attach virtual reality controllers for realistic training.

El 49% de empleados formados en extintores con VR atacan mal el fuego

During an exercise, the worker must complete the different steps of the protocol to extinguish the fire. The platform records the errors made, providing valuable information for the trainer and the company.

Discover all the benefits of providing VR fire extinguisher training in the following link.

Data on errors made in 2023 with the VR fire extinguisher use simulation

Here are some of the data extracted from Ludus' platform on fire extinguishing training sessions conducted in 2023. The total number of completed exercises, as mentioned, was 16,201, with up to 21,579 configured risk situations.

Steps of the fire extinguishing protocol

Almost half of the trained employees attacked the fire incorrectly

This means that when facing the virtual fire, they did not attack the base of the flames or did not perform the corresponding zigzag movements. 48.95% of workers made this mistake, with 10,653 cases.

Not moving away while maintaining eye contact, the most common error

Once the fire is extinguished, it is necessary to move away while maintaining eye contact, in case the fire reactivates. Turning away from the place where a fire has just been extinguished is the most common error recorded in the VR fire extinguisher simulation.

72.35% of workers trained in 2023 with Ludus' platform made this mistake. In other words, in 15,615 out of 21,579 configured situations, this error occurred. Therefore, one of the conclusions from VR fire extinguisher training is the importance of reinforcing this point.

Choosing the extinguishing agent correctly in over 90% of cases

A total of 2,037 workers selected the wrong extinguisher in the training sessions conducted in 2023. In percentage terms, this leaves a positive conclusion: over 90% of employees, 19,542, chose the correct extinguishing agent. The 2,037 errors represented only 9.44% of the total.

A quarter of the students in VR fire extinguisher use did not check the pressure of the device

Checking the pressure of the fire extinguisher is one of the essential preliminary steps before facing a fire. These checks, such as performing a test shot, ensure that the device functions correctly. Approaching to extinguish a fire without knowing if the fire extinguisher is in good condition can lead to a serious accident.

Among the 21,579 configured risk situations in the 2023 VR fire extinguisher training, in 5,230 cases, the pressure was not checked. This represents a 24.24% error rate, almost a quarter of the total employees.

Nearly 8,000 employees did not perform the test shot

Performing a test shot ensures that the hose or nozzle is not obstructed and that the device functions correctly. In this case, in 2023, there were 7,902 errors for not performing a test shot in Ludus' platform training.

The error rate in this preliminary check is higher than that for checking the pressure on the pressure gauge. The 7,902 failures for not performing the test shot accounted for more than a third of the total, at 36.62%.

More than a third failed to extinguish the fire

One of the clearest consequences of errors in using fire extinguishers is failing to extinguish the fire. Ludus' platform collects this data as an error, providing a conclusion about the worker's performance with the VR fire extinguisher use simulation.

In total, in 2023, there were 8,217 students who did not extinguish the fire in VR fire extinguisher use training sessions. This represents 38.08% of the total, reflecting the need to focus on this type of training.

Ludus' virtual reality platform offers advantages such as the ability to repeat training periodically at no cost. The platform's usage is unlimited, and employees refresh their knowledge without the need to empty and recharge real fire extinguishers.

This saving in recharge costs is another major advantage of VR fire extinguisher use training. The estimated total savings for 2023 would exceed 400,000 euros in fire extinguisher recharge costs. If you want to learn more about how this savings is achieved, discover it in the following link.

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